MVC4 Quick Tip #1–Put your API Controllers in a different folder to avoid class naming collisions

This post is the start of a series of quick tips for Asp.Net MVC 4, which was released in beta form last week.  You can find out more about MVC4 and download the beta from Disclaimer: This code is based on MVC 4 Beta 1, and might change in future releases. MVC 4 ships with the new Web APIs, which allow you to create RESTful services from within your web projects (Web Forms or MVC).

A quick update on Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta 2012

I have been getting a lot of inquiries on what or if anything is happening with the Rocky Mountain Tech this year.  And rightfully so, as it has nearly been a year since last year’s Trifecta took place.   The answer to these questions is yes, there will be a Trifecta this year, and that I am currently trying to nail down the dates and logistics with our venue.  I wanted to host the Trifecta around a month later this year compared to years past, but it looks like it will be a bit longer wait then that.

Microsoft MVP Award for ASP.Net/IIS

I was honored this morning when I checked my email and discovered that I have been awarded a Microsoft MVP Award in ASP.Net/IIS for the 2011⁄2012 year.  This was a great surprise and I’m excited to be joining a group of people I highly regard in the community. For those of you not familiar with the MVP program, Microsoft MVP’s are those individuals that share their time and knowledge with the developer community around Microsoft tools and technologies.

Notes from Build Conference Day 2 Keynote

Just like yesterday, here are my raw notes from watching the Build day 2 keynote.  Also just like yesterday, I don’t guarantee the accuracy of these Day 2 keynote ·         Theme o   Windows server 8, azure, vs2011 ·         Multiplayer game between wp7 and windows 8 communicating through azure ·         Productivity power tools has 1m + dl o   Installed by default in vs2011 ·         VS 2011 o   Find matching clones §  Finds code similar to selected text?

Notes from Build Conference Day 1 Keynote

Here are my raw, unedited notes from today’s Build conference keynote that I took while watching the live stream.  I don’t make any claim they are 100% accurate, but just what I interpreted as I heard them. ·         Windows 8 will run all windows 7 apps? Even on ARM? ·         Themes o   Remimaging windows o   Metro style apps §  Full screen §  Immersive §  Touch enabled §  Fast and fluid ·         Performance gains o   Windows 8 running lower resources than windows xp?

Global Filters and Dependency Injection in MVC3

I’ve been struggling with finding a good solution to resolve dependencies in global filters lately.  Since it does not appear that global filters are created through the FilterAttributeFilterProvider (I don’t get any results back from base.GetFilters, hit me up if I’m doing something wrong here), my global filters that had resolve attributes on its properties were never being created by the provider, and thus, not getting those properties resolved. It then dawned on me that the global filters are actually being instantiated in the global.

Add a little salt to your hashed passwords with System.Web.Helpers.Crypto

In the news lately, there have been many incidents of data being stolen.  On sensitive information, it’s a good practice to use encryption to add an extra layer of protection in case your data does get stolen.  For passwords, a cryptographic function called a hash is often used.  A hash takes a string of data, and returns an (hopefully) unique value that can be used to identify the original string.  Hashing is a form of one way encryption, which means that once you hash something, you can’t un-hash it.

DDD NLayered Architecture Guide from Microsoft

The Platform Architecture Team at Microsoft has published a mammoth (~500ish pages) guide on doing Domain Driven Architecture on the .Net platform.  I have only browsed through it so far, but it looks to have some pretty good information if you are wondering on different techniques in architecting your application. Go here to read their blog post about the guide and download it: There is also a sample application on codeplex that accompanies the guide available here:

Slides and demos from my What’s New in MVC3 talk at the South Colorado.NET UG

Thanks everyone who came out to hear my talk on the cool new features in MVC3 last week at the South Colorado.NETUG.  During the talk, I only got about 2⁄3 of the way through the demos, but if you like, you can download the demo code and take a look at the MVC Scaffolding and the integrated Dependency Injection support that MVC3 now has.

Enabling a submit button when a textbox has value in jQuery

A common pattern on the web is to only enable a submit button on a form if a value is filled out in a textbox.  The other day I was asked by a colleague how to do this in jQuery, and while I gave the basic pseudo code, I was curious on the exact method, so I put this together real quick and decided to share it with the world.